During more than 30 years, Haiti is facing such a difficult moment and Haitian people is suffering a lot because of lack of basic needs: education, medical care, good food and alimentation etc.… Every day, the situation is getting worse and worse for everybody young and elders including the villagers in Deppé, a small village located in the northeast department of Haiti. However, with the help of Javelin foundation, villagers in Deppé found hope because of a lot of help it is providing to the people in education and medical needs. The Javelin foundation built multiple buildings where students (children, adolescents and including elder people) can go and assist to class and they don’t have to pay anything. All the school supplies (uniforms, books, pencils, etc.…) are free and they also receive a free meal at noon. These children could be in the streets practicing delinquency. However, because of the education that is being provided to them, they can become someone helpful to the society. They can become good teachers, doctors, nurses, lawyers, veterinarians, agronomists, engineers, carpenters, priests, etc.… Therefore, they are trained to enter the job market and can earn a decent wage and they will meet their basic needs, succeed and help others to succeed.

The foundation also offers to the villagers a very well-equipped medical clinic where they can go and be seen by the medical staff who will provide them quality assistance when they are in need of medical attention. They don’t have to pay for nothing and they also receive all the medicines required for their treatment. When is necessary, some patients have to travel to another bigger city (Cap-Haitian) to see specialists or for surgery, the foundation covers all the fees until they are completely treated. Before the foundation built the clinic, they had to walk more than 25 miles to the city of Ouanaminthe or Fort-Liberté to get medical attention and sometimes they came back to the village without being seen because the public hospital’s personal is on strike or they don’t have money to pay for their treatment. Very sad!

The Javelin foundation helps and contributes with the construction of a welcoming house “Kay Nou” where many orphan named “restavèk” a term that is used in Haiti to refer to the little girls who cannot be cared for by their biological parents. In the orphanage, they take good care of them: they get up, get cleaned, eat good food, go to the school which is a few steps away, they learn, they develop their own skills, they have the opportunity to grow. The “manman” (mothers) who are the women who take care of them in the “Kay Nou” spread love, compassion, and connectivity they might not have experienced before. They teach them how to cultivate family values. They protect them so they can be escaped oppressors, rapists. The girls develop one-on-one attention and relationship, they protect each other, they consider themselves like “sisters”. They fortunately don’t have to suffer the bad treatment of other “restavèk” are getting from people they serve for some food, dirty clothes, pennies etc.…

The Javelin foundation has also made a big difference in my life personally. I have been supported a lot by Glen Jackson with my education and my health issues. I have been suffering of a chronic disease a longtime ago and every time I need a surgery or a new treatment, I have been helped financially; Glen is always here for me. I can count on him for everything. He is such a very great person with a big heart, very compassionate. He is one of the persons who has contributed in what I am today.

In the midst of everything that is happening in Haiti right now, in the midst of all this darkness, the Javelin foundation brough light, hope, peace, relief, happiness in the heart of many people in Haiti including me.
